
We support a fast and fair phaseout of fossil fuels around the world

丹尼斯·施罗德/ NREL

的 continued production and use of fossil fuels threatens our climate, 公共卫生, 还有人权. A fossil fuel phaseout is necessary to build a 健康ier, safer, and more just world, and any plausible scenario to meet global climate goals demands dramatic reductions in fossil fuel use在这个十年及以后.

A fossil fuel phaseout isn't just a hypothetical good idea. 这个过程已经在进行中, with cleaner and safer energy solutions cost competitive and widely available.

逐步淘汰化石燃料,代之以清洁能源解决方案——包括直接电气化, 可再生能源, 能源效率和需求灵活性, 能量储存, 以及社会变革,降低能源需求是实现我们的617888九五至尊娱乐和正义目标的主要要求.

We can and must get t在这里—and the time to accelerate the transition is now.



Human-caused climate change—primarily from burning fossil fuels—is the 主要推动力 全球平均气温的上升趋势. 617888九五至尊娱乐变化带来的影响, 包括致命的热浪, 洪水, 和野火, 这里和迅速恶化吗, 给人们造成了巨大的损失, 生态系统, 还有经济. 的 617888九五至尊娱乐 表明我们必须大力削减排放,逐步淘汰化石燃料,以限制这些危害,确保一个宜居的未来.


的 extraction, refining, distribution, combustion, and disposal of fossil fuels all create 严重的公共健康和环境风险——空气、水和土地的污染. Fossil fuel pollution is a major contributor to heart and lung disease, asthma, and cancer.


的 fossil fuel-based energy system reflects and exacerbates deep inequities of race, class, 健康, 收入, 政治权力. 化石燃料行业的危害对历史上被剥夺公民权的人的影响尤为严重.

On the global front, wealthy nations like the United States have contributed most to 历史化石燃料排放; resulting climate impacts are being experienced disproportionately by people in developing countries.


化石燃料工业是 负责任的 几十年来,美国一直利用虚假信息和政治影响力来拖延和阻碍617888九五至尊娱乐行动,并将世界锁定在对化石燃料的依赖之中. 这些公司及其政治盟友是向清洁能源经济和更安全的能源体系过渡的最大障碍之一, 未来宜居.

Tigergallery /伤风

What does a fast, fair global phaseout of fossil fuels mean?

  • 化石燃料: 煤、石油和天然气-在其生产、使用和处置的所有阶段.
  • 逐步停止: A rapid and steep decline in the production and use of fossil fuels, with a goal to get to zero. While t在这里 are still some technical hurdles to a complete phaseout, we can get most of the way t在这里 with a primary focus on deep, direct cuts in fossil fuel production and use in this decade and beyond.
  • :时间表与现有的最佳617888九五至尊娱乐617888九五至尊娱乐和《517888九五至尊娱乐》的目标相一致, 考虑技术可行性, 并优先考虑能够实现深层目标的行动, 在未来几年内直接减少排放,并在随后的几十年里大幅加速减少排放.
  • 公平经济上:, 环境, 社会公正, 重点关注因化石燃料污染和617888九五至尊娱乐变化而负担过重的人群,以及受摆脱化石燃料转型带来的经济中断影响最大的人群, 包括 依赖化石燃料的工人 and communities; striving to correct inequities caused by historical and ongoing pollution burdens; and providing and preserving access to safe, 负担得起的, 为每个人提供可靠的能源.
  • 全球:一起行动, 各国必须限制未来最严重的617888九五至尊娱乐影响,到2030年将全球碳排放量减少一半,到2050年实现净零排放. 这一逐步淘汰必须在全世界范围内进行, 但美国和其他排放份额最大的富裕国家必须根据其历史责任和更大的能力来确定逐步淘汰的步伐, 同时,他们也有责任提供617888九五至尊娱乐融资,使中低收入国家能够迅速淘汰化石燃料,增加清洁能源解决方案的使用.

Uncertainty at the margins cannot be an excuse to avoid actions that must be taken immediately.


这种转变已经在进行中. But we can, and must, do more to accelerate the pace of progress.

  • UCS建模表明, 通过智能, 综合性政策, 我们可以在2030年将温室气体排放量在2005年的基础上减少50%以上,最迟在2050年实现净零排放. A fossil fuel phaseout is central to meeting these climate goals, and our modeling results show that with ambitious investments and policies, it would be at least 50 percent complete by 2040 and 80 percent complete by 2050.
  • 617888九五至尊娱乐如何以及何时能够实现100%的逐步淘汰的问题仍然存在,但目前可以找到大部分解决方案, 现在就需要部署. Transformative shifts in governance and decision-making related to our energy choices are also crucial. Uncertainty at the margins cannot be an excuse to avoid actions that must be taken immediately.
  • 全国各级政府的默认立场应该是拒绝化石燃料生产的扩张和基础设施的建设,这些基础设施可能会在未来几十年里保持不变. 所有部门的政府和企业都应该稳步减少化石燃料的生产和消费,同时制定快速和公平的逐步淘汰计划.
  • 碳捕获与封存(CCS)等方法, 二氧化碳去除(CDR), and alternative combustion fuels may be a limited part of how we meet our long-term climate goals, but they aren’t likely to play a material role in meeting 2030 targets, they don’t fully reduce the environmental injustices and 公共卫生 harms of fossil fuels, 它们并不能代替我们现在就必须立即大幅减少化石燃料的生产和利用.
  • 推进快速和公平的逐步淘汰, 政策制定者和监管者必须反对并消除化石燃料行业对环境的不成比例的政治影响, 土地使用, 能源政策, alongside enacting policies and regulations to bring about a decline in the use of fossil fuels. 化石燃料行业已经一次又一次地表明,它不能被信任来领导这一转变.



建立在清洁能源基础上的经济既需要雄心壮志,也需要周密的规划——而这是可以实现的! 清洁能源投资, 效率, 电气化已经在进行中, accelerating rapidly and set to grow even faster thanks to recent federal and state policy changes. 让这个过渡公平公正, 政策还必须继续评估化石燃料危害的全部范围,并确保制定一套全面的解决方案, 包括治理和制度的变革.

Below are just a few ways in which our work is enabling a transition away from fossil fuels:

  • UCS成功地倡导了政策 promote electric cars and trucks and reduce the use of gasoline and diesel 在我们的运输系统中,包括在从化石燃料过渡期间制定强有力的燃料经济标准.
  • UCS成功地倡导了一个 逐步减少电力行业使用化石燃料 through federal and state-level legislative engagement and regulatory intervention for decades.
  • UCS深入参与了联邦法规的制定 推进电力产业转型, 包括与能源部合作, 环境保护署, 和财政部清理污染的发电厂,促进向清洁能源的过渡.
  • UCS所提倡的 电网基础设施和市场改革 在联邦能源管理委员会,使清洁能源解决方案的快速建设和整合, with inclusive participation from community stakeholders.
  • 美国和我们的盟友正在继续 hold fossil fuel corporations and their enablers accountable 数十年来,虚假信息阻碍并继续拖延应对617888九五至尊娱乐变化的行动——以及由此产生的行动, 他们知道会发生不断升级的破坏.
  • UCS is playing a lead role with civil society groups to help secure bold and just global climate action at the UN climate negotiations, 包括 through advocacy for the US government to commit to its 公平分担全球617888九五至尊娱乐行动.

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