
2008年7月14日出版 2009年12月16日更新


Solar energy—power from the sun—is a vast, inexhaustible, and clean resource.

Solar electricity generation represents a clean alternative to electricity from fossil fuels, 没有空气和水污染, 没有全球变暖污染, 没有电价飙升的风险, 对我们的公众健康没有威胁.


太阳能资源是巨大的. Just 18 days of sunshine on Earth contains the same amount of energy as is stored in 所有 of the planet's reserves of coal, oil, and natural gas.


Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are based on a high-tech but remarkably simple technology that converts sunlight directly to electricity.

屋顶太阳能板: Benefits, costs, and smart policies

Rooftop solar has never been more affordable for home owners, business owners, and their communities.


A large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant may have hundreds of thousands or even millions of solar panels.


不像光伏(PV)系统, which use the sun’s light to generate electricity, concentrating solar power systems generate electricity using the sun’s heat.
